Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Why

I've tried formal exercise. In September 2007, I joined a gym and got a personal trainer for a while. It worked because that girl was waiting for me, I got to the gym. It was for about one month, and I was beginning to lose weight. Then the training stopped and I became less regular. The membership contiues (and it wasn't cheap to begin with) but my attendance is nearer zero than one.

I understand now that I need to lose weight. It is a physical need. I cannot carry around this extra weight but I'm still lazy. I decided that I should start a blog to ... I guess remind myself about why. Also, I understand that motivation is key. It appears that the simplest for of motivation is to get a personal trainer. That way I have someone to meet and cannot bunk/change the proposed exercise time as I feel like. Also, all information on motivation says that I should find some :)

I figure at this point, that I'm going to see for 1 month if I can do this on my own. If I can't, I'm going to get a trainer. There's no point spending money on a gym if I'm not going. So spending more money on a trainer is actually converting bad money to good.

My Long Term Goals are:

1. To lose the extra weight.

Hmm... interesting. Seems like my only need to exercise is to lose weight. Bad idea what? But then I'm lazy by nature, so thinking about running 5km, half marathon, etc - hold absolutely no fascination. Looking good for my wedding - too late.

I think the key is to feel good about myself. So

2. Feel good about my body.

Now that that's done, we move on to the shorter term stuff.

Today, 17th April 2008 is the beginning. I give myself one month to do the following:

1. Go to the gym 3 days a week minimum;
2. Prepare meals at home 3 days of the week;
3. Take lunch to work 2 days of the week.

I notice that there are no weight-loss indicators, but I think this is a good start. I'm also going to take a 'Fat' picture and put it up here. Since nobody else sees the blog, it should be fine.

I'm going to post every day about whether I went to the gym, what I ate and how I feel. The feel part will relate to energy and alertness more than emotional states as I get guilty easily and defensive more easily.

At present nobody else knows about this, as I don't handle pressure from others very well.

Wish me luck!

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