Wednesday, August 18, 2010

An Update... sort of

It's been 1.5 years since I last posted on this blog, mostly because I didn't stick to any plan of diet and/or exercise. I'm writing now though, cause I owe my body this much. It's responding to exercise in a wonderful way. Not a way that relates to weight loss, but a way that shows happiness. I started walking last week, with weekend walks. Mainly because my knee started paining, due to my feet flattening out. The flattening of feet is because the footwear I wear most often is slightly loose so doesn't actually 'hold' the foot. Plus I did no exercise at all, so my knee was being pushed in directions it was not meant to go. To begin to fix this, I started with a normal walk. I felt better after just one day - less pain when climbing stairs and a generally more relaxed body. My back felt looser and my legs felt happy (though slightly achy).

Last week, I only managed to walk 3 days. This week (starting from Saturday) I've already done 5 and each day, my body's happy to get out there. The weather's not hot - slightly rainy actually. The kind of weather that I typically want to curl up in and not get out of bed. Yet here I am, waking up and walking for 40 minutes. While I'm walking, I see images of dancing. Which I believe is my body's way of telling me it's looking forward to getting into shape. To reach a point where all my muscles do what I want them to, when I want them to do it. Which will be the beginning point for me to learn to dance.

I'm also looking at doing occasional yoga, which I find is very targetted at the Core muscles.

One day of the time!

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