Monday, May 12, 2008


The day of the last post, I didn't exercise, but the day after that I did. When I weighed myself, I'd actually gained a full kilogram! I was in shock, but also figured that my period had begun and I was probably retaining water. Another day's break followed (gym was closed) and I went again yesterday. This time I was half a kilo lighter than the previous weigh, but still heavier than I had ever been.

Today, I've promised to meet a friend for dinner and am wondering if I can get out of that. Mainly cause meeting for dinner might mean I din't go to the gym, and all the food in the fridge, continues to sit in the fridge. On the other hand, I could go to the gym, go for dinner and eat the fridge food tomorrow.

A little conflicted, but believe that exercise is likely.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I'm a complete nutter. I've been exercising regularly so far - i.e. 3 days. However, I'm feeling very very virtuous. Like I've been exercising regularly for a month or more! Its like if I can do so regularly for three days, I can do so for ever! The other thing is, that I'm actually looking for changes in my shape and health - in three days! I'm trying to stay normal about this. Hopefully I'll manage.

At this point, I'm still only doing walking and cycling, but feel better about myself. I've been weighing myself every day and eating reasonably healthily. Which means to eat fresh, and home made. I've brought lunch again today - so that's the 4th day running. So feeling pretty good about that as well. With all the exercise, I'm too tired to cook in the evening, but will need to fairly soon (running out of food and have many veggies awaiting their fate).

I've been weiging myself every day and from my weight on Monday, I've lost 400 gms. It's an instant motivator. I'm not sure whether it's a general water loss but would like to attribute it to healthy eating and some exercise. I'm ready to exercise today as well, but am feeling very tired.

Tired cause I overdid it yesterday. While exercising, I could do it, walk rather fast for the length of time that I wanted to. Music pumping, walking one minute at a time. Got through it. And nearly passed out at home.

Today I must be reasonable.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Another Week

Last week passed without any exercise for a variety of reasons, primarily laziness. In Sunday I met my parents for a good amount of time. My mother expressed concern about my health and that freaked my husband out much more than my railing and ranting about my health.

Yesterday, being Monday, I realised that work wasn't too pressing, so went to the gym. I've also put a meeting in my calendar for the 2 hrs it takes me to go to the gym and get back home so that nobody can really schedule something for that time. I'm planning to keep that going this week. I also joined Peer Trainer. It's a free resource online that allows you to log stuff and join groups. Groups full of people who are trying to work out. It's just been a day, but hopefully it'll be of some value. One of the key things I already learnt, is that adding too much too soon is a recipe for failure.

I tried to do diet and exercise modification at the same time, failed. Now though, been doing the cooking/eating in a planned way for almost 3 weeks, and it seems to be working. So now can add exercise. Peer Trainer suggests that we only add 1 new thing a week.

So yesterday I went to the gym, did 25 minutes on treadmill and 10 minutes cycling. Felt good after that. Not too tired and no bad aches and pains. Today, no aches and pains either, which means I'm not overdoing it. I only walked on the treadmill, but did just over 10 minutes at 5.8 kmph which I thought was quite good. Got a good stride going, no knee aches or foot aches. Cycling was also good - I felt it working muscles without hurting knees.

Naturally, I feel all righteous because I did exercise yesterday and it didn't kill me. The plan is to follow the same process today. Work properly during the day (wasting little time) and leave with sufficient time to get to gym.

I realised that I ate a couple of sweets yesterday! Bad me! Still, I'm not too upset, since I did just about everything else right.