Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Motivational Quotes

I got to my goal weight, I looked good, then I started slacking. I stopped exercising regularly, Winter happened and I ate some rubbish, then I ate a lot more rubbish. And here I am. I'm 64 kgs (so haven't gained a ton of weight) but I've gotten fatter. My stomach has spread. I'd forgotten what exercise felt like, so now I'm collecting motivational quotes, putting meetings in my calendar so I cannot ignore it without guilt.

These quotes remind me of what I felt like:

1.I'm motivated by the fact that I'm taking care of myself. Every workout, every run is a little gift to myself. I like feeling strong and confident. I love that I've inspired my friends to adopt more healthy habits. But more than anything else, it helps me be more comfortable in my own skin—and that is priceless. —Cathy Tran

2. I remember how much weight I have lost and how I don't want to go back to where I started. –Brooke 'Voigt' Deegan

3. Not making [exercise] a choice, but a part of my day, like brushing my teeth. –Candace Steinline